All the coffees in this section are hand roasted in small batches. We recently retired the roaster in the shop window which was purchased second-hand in 1936 when the shop opened and has served us well for over 80 years. We now use the roaster in our warehouse behind the Crouch St shop. We roast 14 different types of coffee bean which we sell 100% pure or in 3 house blends. All types are available as either beans or ground to the customers specification. Our popular 99p take-away filter coffees are made with a different type of coffee every week. A great way to find your new favourite.
Bulk Coffee We can 'contract' roast to your specifications any quantity of coffee from 10Kg. You can specify the coffee type and darkness of roast, or you can specify a blend roasted to your taste. Please phone or email for more details and bulk pricing. Trade enquiries welcome.
The picture depicts our warehouse roaster ejecting beans to a storage container.
All prices are per 100g. Please choose a weight from the drop down menu and then choose the quantity of packs required. All coffees are graded 1-5 with 5 being the strongest.
Prices quoted are per 100g. Please choose the quantity of coffee and the type of grind required.